Hospital Médica Sur

Puente de piedra 150 torre 2 consultorio 101. Col. Toriello Guerra, alcaldía de Tlalpan, C.P. 14050. Ciudad de México

Telefonos de contacto (55) 56 66 64 23, (55) 54 24 72 00 EXT. 4231

Consulta en linea por videollamada!!!

Alta Especialidad en Columna Vertebral

Dedicado de tiempo completo a atender los problemas de la Columna Vertebral en Adultos y Niños, es decir Diagnóstico, Prevención y Tratamiento de las Enfermedades de la Columna Vertebral en Adultos y Niños. Ejerciendo este quehacer desde hace 25 años.

Opciones de fijación sacras y pélvicas para tumores de columna

Sacral and Pelvic fixation options for Spine Tumours


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Sacral & Pelvic Fixation Options for Spine Tumors was presented by Jens Chapman, MD at the Seattle Science Foundation for the 6th Annual Multimodal Treatment of Spinal Tumors course.

Seattle Science Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the international collaboration among physicians, scientists, technologists, engineers and educators. The Foundation’s training facilities and extensive internet connectivity have been designed to foster improvements in health care through professional medical education, training, creative dialogue and innovation.

NOTE: All archived recorded lectures are available for informational purposes only and are only eligible for self-claimed Category II credit. They are not intended to serve as, or be the basis of a medical opinion, diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment for any particular patient.


Cervical Spine Conditions TUMORS

Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:

Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Todos los derechos reservados para:

Dr. Nabil Ebraheim


Educational video describing miscellaneous tumors of the cervical spine.

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